Wednesday, September 10, 2008

On Freedom and Bondage..

You believe that

The ability to satiate our desires and senses is freedom.

The compulsion to act as per the demands of the situation is bondage.


The compulsion to satiate our desires and senses is bondage.

The ability to act as per the demands of the situation is freedom.

Finally it's all about our beliefs.


Nimmy said...

Thought-provoking....wondering whether it is an OR or an AND!!!??

Rakesh said...

Nimmy it's an OR between the two sets of statements. Humanity is divided into either of these two camps, the ratio though is very lopsided.

Prashant Sree said...

Well expressed sentences... Is it about our belief's or is it about our perceptions ??

Got this thought while i read this post. People are bonded to Freedom.,.



Nimmy said...

Hmm..this is what I was thinking....we desire different things at different times. Depending on the context and motive, satisfying those desires, at times, may be looked upon as an ability and at some other times as a compulsion. Dont you think? Or am I missing something here?

Rakesh said...

Prashant & Nimmy:

The problem with perception is that it is the process of becoming aware of something through the senses and developing an understanding thereof. Herein lies the trouble: How much can you trust your senses?

Belief shred of any interpretations (you may have a better word for this) would be more aligned to the core value system (not a work of the mind-body architecture) and hence ingrained at the most fundamental level. This comes through an interaction with oneself at a non-atomic level.

So shifting perceptions are definitely a barrier to evolution. How others classify your act is again immaterial?

I hope it makes sense.