Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A color called Black

The video clip of Martin Luther King juxtaposed with images of Barack Obama stream in and i'm witness to a very historic moment. That was a dream, here right now there is conviction. There are experts and more experts all dissecting- why he would succeed and why he might fail. But to me, Obama will deliver simply because it's an idea that was waiting to take shape, it is deliverance waiting to be served, it's a healing without which the celestial bodies will loose motion.

Truth will prevail, so say the scriptures, and i firmly believe it.

As i hear Martin's call for freedom for every nook and corner of the Americas and equality in every sphere of life, there is a lump in my throat. Suddenly i remember something i wrote when the issue of apartheid was on the front page all the time and South Africa was gearing for that big transition. I need to publish this today with a wish that never again would be a man judged by his color in the civilized world and never again would we need reasons....reasons to love a color called black.


This flesh of yours
is an obstacle
to our hopes and aspirations
it makes fraternity an utopian dream

Do you find hallowed
the white your mirror reflects
else why mock providence
why manipulate destinies

Red gushes from the wounds
you have inflicted
red drips from the cross
that adorns your chest

that your heart enshrines
Yet you look for reasons
reasons to love
a color called black.

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